Solve the problem of the lack of spaces for our dogs, and also do something about animal abuse
people signed. Let's get to 5,000!

Addressed to: Mayoress Ada Colau
Because systematic mistreatment and torture of our pets should be punished. Also abandonment would have to be punished in the same way, since it is a form of abuse and torture. We can no longer allow this, people who mistreat, abandon, torture and murder animals, must be punished, change the Laws.
There are no outdoor spaces in our cities for our pets. Large areas are needed for our pets, and they have fountains. Not these little fences in a corner of a street or park that does not even work water, with fine soil that dirty our animals and ourselves.
There are non-buildable land scattered throughout the cities that nothing is done with them, except letting them fill up with garbage and rats. Clean and tidy would be splendid places.
I hope this is read by Mayoress Ada Colau and get involved in it, because it is very important. Our pelts exist, feel and suffer.
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