Solve the problem of stray dogs
people signed. Let's get to 20,000!
Addressed to: President of the Mexican Republic and 2 more
We need to allocate places where street animals are well cared for and not mistreated or sacrificed. There are many homeless dogs, there are people who mistreat them, poison them. It is very important that they oblige people who have dogs that do not let them walk in the streets alone.
We need large, appropriate and well-attended places for all stray dogs. Every person that has dogs or cats must be forced to take good care of them and not abandon them. Jail and very large fines to anyone who mistreats, poisons or abandons their animals, but that is fulfilled and there is no favoritism. We must achieve fair treatment for all animals.
In addition we must prohibit all fireworks, that is, all pyrotechnics with sound, it affects the animals very much and damages them. Prison and very high fines for everyone who sells and buys pyrotechnics with sound.
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