Severely punish the torturers of this animal
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Addressed to: Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and 1 more
In Florida, four men had fun dragging behind their boat a shark they had tied by the tail. The images are shocking.
Steven Spielberg's Shark traumatized several generations of viewers. And no one can see a shark without trembling. However, these animals are also victims of human stupidity. The video footage may also surprise you. On Florida's coast, four men had fun filming their "feat": high-speed drag, a tail-tailed shark. The video was shared by Mark Quartiano, a shark fisherman, and has quickly become viral and its authors are now being sought.
Mark Quartiano wanted to report this act of abuse. The video was sent to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. Thanks to the Internet, two of the four individuals were identified. These are @ bearjew428, who deleted his Twitter account for this case, and @michaelwenzel. This is not the first time they perform an act of animal abuse, they know photos of him holding a dead pelican and a dog, photos that were found by Internet users.
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