Save the wolves of France and Europe
people signed. Let's get to 50,000!

Addressed to: Ministry of Ecology and Sustainable Development Ségolène Royal
We must protect and save the wolves. Hunted unfairly by cattle breeders who say that love animals. I launched a petition to save the wolves in France and Europe.
Wolves are not harmful. They are necessary for the ecosystem. These are admirable animals of intelligence and life consideration because they only kill for food in contrast to humans. Humans must stop meditating they are the sole owners of the Earth. Protect the herds and wolves together. It will be smarter than killing some species trying to survive our destructive civilization and ignorant of the balances of life.
In other European countries including Italy, wolves are accepted, in France, farmers earn every right to kill wolves as bears. Our country is the most backward in Europe to defend its wildlife.
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