Save the lost and / or abandoned animals in Liria, Valencia
people signed. Let's get to 10,000!

Addressed to: Municipality of Liria- Valencia
Please spread, pass to the press, radio, television, we cite demonstration at the City Hall at the times that each group can write to the City of Liria-Valencia, PSOE directives. Do not let more of the taxpayers make fun of you, your lost dog or cat can be and sacrificed, no more to animal abuse, no more irresponsibility and animal suffering.
The Mayor and all his team of the PSOE of the City of Liria want to grant the concession of the collection of lost and / or abandoned animals to the company Corralet Centro Canino located in Vinaroz, 165 km from our population and is known for sacrificing abandoned animals once the 20-day term of custody has expired without having attempted to find the owners of the animals or find them a home. With a zoological nucleus that is surpassed by the number of municipalities with which it is contracting. We demand that they review capacity of zoos and actions of the companies they hire.
In addition, this company is dedicated to the purchase and sale of animals, so its hiring by a public body only contributes to the commodification of living beings, something that the undersigned completely reject.
We demand that the concession of the collection of animals be granted to other centers committed to the active search of the owners of the lost / abandoned animal and above all be centers that promote adoption and not murder. Ribamontes, in these years has done an impeccable work, responsible, compliant with the Animal Protection Law, in team with animal protectors, change for worse would be to go back and we are not willing. Because animals deserve respect and not to be sacrificed or abandoned. They are not merchandise. Why do not we want our taxes to swell pockets of merchants who fill their pockets without scruples.
We demand to the PSOE that it fulfills his word of animal respect or our equal vote that I arrive leaves them.
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