Save the bulls in Peru

Save the bulls in Peru

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Save the bulls in Peru

Addressed to: Government of Peru

To prevent that the bulls remain tortured and killed in bullfights of Lima, Callao and provinces across Peru.

Morrisey: "As the world changes and progresses in a thousand positive ways, the torture of bulls continues in Peru. It is termed bullfighting even though no fight is possible: the bull has no defense against a large parade of miserably gleeful 'bullfighters', their superiority complex so full of airs and graces, yet unable to face the bull without a slew of weaponry and support. Bull torture has no forgiveness. Diabolically contrived, the 'bullfight' is a Peruvian tradition, as was black slavery. It is an old imperial formula that still exists only in pursuit of the stupidity of money. No matter how much blood and death there is in the bullring ... there can never be enough."

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