Save the birds of the Gardens of the Castle of Peñíscola

Save the birds of the Gardens of the Castle of Peñíscola

people signed. Let's get to 5,000!

Save the birds of the Gardens of the Castle of Peñíscola

Addressed to: Gardens of the Castle of Peñíscola

What was my surprise when I went to visit Peñíscola Castle, and when I arrived at the gardens I saw that there are different types of falconry birds tied to a tree all day, in the sun and with a bowl of water to drink, which is also in the sun. They were looking for some shade, but being tied they did not have freedom of movement, therefore, they are exposed to the sun in midsummer all day.

Please sign to prohibit this. It is inhuman to have the animals as well and also for a tourist purpose.

Thank you all.


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