Save the animals from the torture of the furriers
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Addressed to: United Nations and 1 more
It is cruelty to skin live animals to expedite this process. They cut their legs so they do not move and catch their heads. There is no pity for the pain and suffering they suffer.
I saw this yesterday on Facebook, broadcast by Sergio Busquets Bravo from Barcelona:
Did you know that a lot of the skin that is sold is extracted with animals still alive?
Leather is the biggest business of fur. At times to expedite the obtaining of the furs, the animals are skinned while they are still alive, the animals most used are: cows and calves, sheep and lambs, and pigs, although there is also "exotic" leather, such as the skin of Buffaloes, oxen, ostriches, crocodiles, sharks, etc. ...
Although society generally believes that leather is a by-product of the meat and dairy industry, the truth is that it generates more money than the meat industry itself. Not only leather is used to make clothing and accessories, but also used as upholstery for cars, furniture, watch bands and travel items, but especially for footwear.
Millions of cows, sheep and lambs are murdered and desecrated annually. They need your skin to live, we do not. There are standards in the leather industry to "not damage" the skin of animals, achieving a greater economic benefit. For example: The marking on animals should be done on the face or legs. Have the transport truck inspected so that there are no nails, chips or metal corners and / or wood that could cause damage to the leather.
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