Save the abandoned dogs

Save the abandoned dogs

people signed. Let's get to 5,000!

Save the abandoned dogs

Addressed to: Mayor of Santa Bárbara Daniel Salamanca Pérez

Well, I think that love and respect for them should give a better life to those who are abandoned, by ourselves, on the street. With that also make people aware and more responsible when they want to have a pet in their house.

We need to raise awareness, we need to let people know what happens to abandoned pets that end up on the street. Buy pets for vacations and abandon them when they return home, do not sterilize their pets and have unwanted puppies, there are many more reasons. That's why we need that from ourselves and the national government generate awareness towards animal care.

We want, and intend, that the Government take care of this problem and start an awareness campaign. Free sterilization campaign for pets and stray animals is also needed.

Together we can make a better life for the animals.


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Reasons for signing

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