Save Santa Helena Park, Bogotá, as Urban Forest

Save Santa Helena Park, Bogotá, as Urban Forest

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Save Santa Helena Park, Bogotá, as Urban Forest

Addressed to: Mayor's Office of Bogota and 10 more

The city of Bogotá, Colombia, does not have enough ecological lungs, for this reason, we request the incorporation of the Santa Helena Park located on transversal 147 between north highway and avenue, the villas in the city of Bogotá, Suba, as Urban Forest or Ecological corridor, in the Territorial Planning Plan, since we want to defend the main green area in the sector as an opportunity to protect the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, and reverse ecological degradation, curb the loss of biological diversity and We confirm that this area fulfills recreational functions that influence physical and mental health and is the sports space of schools and kindergartens in the sector.


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Reasons for signing

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