Save dogs from China and South Korea were they eat dogs and skin them for bags and shoes and gloves

Save dogs from China and South Korea were they eat dogs and skin them for bags and shoes and gloves

people signed. Let's get to 50,000!

Save dogs from China and South Korea were they eat dogs and skin them for bags and shoes and gloves

Addressed to: Government of China and 1 more

God made dogs as a domestic friend. They have feelings and emotions and we, humans, must learn to understand them like they understand us.

Dog turned around spells God. I have trained dogs for years and they are highly intelligent. I love and care for them and they give their life for me and you. They lead the blind, they detect bombs, they find lost people, they protect you, love your children, ext.

People don’t report abuse on animals and the countries don’t give harsh enough punishment. No more breeding of dogs or cats, go to shelters to get a dog or cat and stop this dog fighting. Save dogs from China and South Korea were they eat dogs and skin them for bags, shoes and gloves.

Stop the mistreatment of dogs, they depend on us!


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