Save all the dogs of the Municipal Kennel, almost half are puppies

Save all the dogs of the Municipal Kennel, almost half are puppies

people signed. Let's get to 5,000!

Save all the dogs of the Municipal Kennel, almost half are puppies

Addressed to: Government of the Province of Santa Fe Argentina

Because they do not respect the Sarmiento Law, for mistreatment and murder of animals, we want to save them, because the authorities are not respecting the Law. Here it was spread by Facebook and all social networks and we do not know what to do to save so many animals.

First of all we need the government of Santa Fe to assure us that it will not sacrifice animals, after that it will do everything possible to give them up for adoption.

Let's not allow another massacre, the dogs deserve a decent life receiving all the love they give us.


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Reasons for signing

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