Save all the animals from inhumane cruelties

Save all the animals from inhumane cruelties

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Save all the animals from inhumane cruelties

Addressed to: President Juan Carlos Varela and 2 more

People poison them, hang them, beat them with sticks, make them explode with fireworks, and also make them work for us, or being enclosed all their lives for the fun of some people. This happens to the animals in my country, every day, and nobody seems to worry about it.

Of all living beings the only who hurts another for pleasure is men, animals do not hurt, and that's why we must respect the right to life of them. The man is cruel and evil. We do not have to take their lives because God created them and only God has the right.

Laws and decrees that lead to jail offenders and murderers. Sometimes it seems so simple to say that it is amazing that no Government can. We love animals and fight for them every day, but without help, without Laws that protect them, it cannot be done, we give money from our own pockets to care for abandoned dogs, but is not the answer, the answer must be given by the rulers.

Let's finish animal abuse, my humble request is for the Government to enact Laws for them, to think of them and to defend them.

Thank you.


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