Sanitary and civil protection inspection, speed reducers, police preventive and investigation surveillance
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Addressed to: Attorney General of the State of Tlaxcala and 6 more
Through various written requests to the local authorities have made complaints about the situation of insecurity, harassment of women, in the polygon between the streets Xicohtencatl, Morelos Laguna and road via Corta Puebla Apizaco stretch of Santa María Ixtulco Municipality of Tlaxcala, Tlax., Since on the corner of Morelos Street and Xicohtencatl Avenue is located the hotel called Dulces Sueños, in which prostitution is practiced at any time of the day. Users of this service constantly attack, offend, harass neighboring women, and the presence of men, motor vehicles of suspicious characteristics, presumably armed, which generates social tension, since there is a strong climate in the environment. insecurity, together with the Xicohtencatl street being one of the main accesses to the town, motorists transiting exceeding the speed limits. This has generated accidents that have not been fatal.
Above all, the respective complaints have been made to the corresponding authorities, starting with the local authority under Professor Gerardo Cahuantzi González, who has been given two offices, of which I have the corresponding acknowledgments, but without so far there is an answer in the terms that the current legislation marks, arriving at the impudence to maintain that he does not have any kind of legal and / or administrative responsibility, since he only communicates to the next level of authority. It should be clarified that the aforementioned occupies this position through popular election.
Without more for the moment I remain of you.
Professor Luis Nava Díaz and neighbors of the polygon of the streets Morelos Xicohtencatl Laguna Vía Corta Puebla Apizaco section village of Santa María Ixtulco Tlax., Tlax.
The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.