Sanction the hippodrome of this city by drugging to certain horses that reports great benefit to a group
people signed. Let's get to 10,000!

Addressed to: Governor of the Province of Buenos Aires María Eugenia Vidal and 3 more
Because these animals are drugged to run faster and can infart because it can affect the heart muscle, which does not care much to the owner, the caretaker or the jockey. Believe me, there is a great mafia in the racetrack and if they break their legs, they sacrifice them because they no longer serve them. It is inhuman, and although these animals need to run but not being injected with drugs, so that they pay more the tickets that people play.
There is also a place where dog races take place, in 516 St. and 185 St. of Abasto, all for an economic ambition. In 2016 the Congress passed an Act prohibiting these barbarities.
Thank you for signing.
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