Review the project of the new airport
people signed. Let's get to 1,000!
Addressed to: Governor of the State of Mexico Alfredo del Mazo Maza and 2 more
The area of Texcoco is a very unstable, muddy terrain, subject to frequent flooding because the lake is a natural gathering place for the runoff of the volcanoes and mountains that are found in the vicinity of the Valley of Mexico and is well known for the amount of rain water that fall year after year in this lake area, the story tells how the Aztecs already built dams and funeral to stop these floods, the first major flood that was record tube was in the year 1696.
Another problem that frequently occurs in that area is the low mists that cover the lake and that will definitely affect the operations by reducing the minimum visibility required for the safe takeoff or landing of an aircraft. In this situation the operating costs of the companies will increase due to the delays both departures and arrivals that will force the aircraft to divert to the alternate airports, causing inconvenience to the business people and the general public with the consequent increase in rates for the public user. To avoid this situation, there are very sophisticated and expensive navigation equipment that allows landings when visibility is extremely low. This reality will be presented definitively regularly at this airport in Texcoco. And if we add to that reality the maintenance costs that will be carried out year after year for the aforementioned adverse reasons, I consider that this work will be a bottomless barrel. This series of problems does not occur at the Santa Lucia airport and therefore its construction and maintenance will definitely be cheaper.
The difference between building on the sea and building on the lake is as follows:
In the sea the variations are in the night mainly, by the action of the moon on the earth (the tides) and the level recovers during the day, the variation of level can be foreseen.
In a lake like the one in Texcoco, flood levels can be for a week, a month or it can last several years.
Problem of migratory birds: It is proven that Lake Texcoco is an obligatory stopping place for migratory birds, this migration will definitely not be eliminated by decree, they are extremely dangerous for air operations. One of the most recent cases was the N.Y oxidant. at the JFK airport where an aircraft had to "land" in the Hudson River by interference of birds in its engines, despite the fact that this airport has very sophisticated systems to keep birds away from their surroundings, the actions taken did not prevent the oxidant.
One of the many problems that are already arising in the construction of this airport in Texcoco are the high costs in its construction in which it exceeded in the first two years by just over 56%, that is, 169,000 million pesos. it exceeded 300,000 million pesos. It is estimated that at that rate the end will be exceeded in 2024 by 338%. Those excesses have been presented in the last governments including the current one that you finish, in relation to public works.
Crossing of the aircraft in flight:
It has been mentioned that it would be a problem, that the trajectories of departures and arrivals would be interfered when Lucia and the current airport operated, that is a falsehood. Because there are procedures manuals in which traces of trajectories or paths in the air are established, which avoid dangerous approaches between aircraft and controllers have their own manuals where they are established how to handle in-flight traffic in different situations .
A serious problem that I believe will affect the credibility of the new incoming president will be the one that is inherited by the outgoing government with respect to the affected towns that were not taken into account for the initiation of the construction of the Texcoco airport and that will definitely be much more than 3000 families.
The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.