Review the payment of disability pensions
people signed. Let's get to 500!
Addressed to: Govern de les Illes Balears and 1 more
I am receiving a disability pension, I was receiving 203.54 with a grade of 54%, in the last revaluation I was upgraded to 69% but they lowered the payment to 101 €. The excuse they have given me is that according to the pay that my husband charges is 600 € of which 200 go to social security but to compute the income is 600.
I have gone to ask for answers and the only thing I have made clear is that this is what I have to collect and that when they do the review I could remove that 101 € and even make me devover paid.
I had to get to work half a day because it is logical that with the income that we have not arrived.
Now I am out of work for more than a month and a half since my illness, among others I have fibromyalgia, has not allowed me to keep up with the pace of work.
I only ask you to think about those who charge pensions, if we have degree of disability is because medical reports say so. We already knew that there would be cuts in pensions but they do not value the person, only the incomes that are not even true.
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