Respect the Laws that already exist for the protection of animals in the bullfights of the Feria de Manizales
people signed. Let's get to 10,000!
Addressed to: Governor of Caldas and 1 more
It is an affront to a country called COLOMBIA what the people of the city of Manizales do to this nation, a country that is welcomed and committed to respect the new Law for the Protection of Life and worthy to live for animals, how is it that the people of MANIZALES from the department of Caldas turn their backs on the whole country that in good or bad way accepted the commitment to end the bullfights?
These corrupt politicians care more about profits, they are super-rich, they want at all costs to continue with a culture of torture and sadism towards animals, in almost all of Colombia the Law is applied, it was a great sacrifice for those who They like this show, why does Manizales believe he has a crown for not respecting the Law that a whole country agrees to comply with? Is it a tax haven for animal abusers? It is a shame, those of us who have fought campaign to change this site of tourism and go to other fairs that do not mistreat animals, this until these people do not change and the black soul is softened and stop the BULLFIGHTING.
We do not want to repeat the case of Japan that due to the tradition of an unhappy soup that grandparents take, has on the verge of extinction an important group of species of whales and marine life, remember that nature punished with the whip of the tsunami arrogance From this country, this has made them sign a commitment to reduce their wild fishing method. Even the Bible warns that if we do not change the earth it will vomit us all, let us enter into reason and protect nature, protect our home, which fit in rockets to explore other world there is no if not for the billionaire, and that if they get another world like our.
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