Rescue and castration of stray or ill-treated dogs and construction of a shelter to be carried and fed
people signed. Let's get to 5,000!

Addressed to: President Tabaré Vázquez
Because there are many stray and mistreated dogs, horses pulling cars until they fall dead and so many other animals that suffer from abuse every day. It needs urgent castration of dogs, males and females, to curb overpopulation and lack of protection.
Animals that end up being abandoned go hungry, cold, and are abused and burned, or killed, or raped, and puppies thrown as trash.
Many people take charge, they put their time, love and money, but it is not enough, since it is the State that must take action in the matter. Veterinarians who have studied in the free school should collaborate with the castrations. The State has property, usually of people who are no longer and have no heirs, properties that did not pay contribution, etc., and in those places could build shelters, because the existing are not enough.
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