Request the Government of Venezuela to stop the Project Orinoco Mining Arch
people signed. Let's get to 1,000!

Addressed to: Government of Venezuela
Fifteen environmental reasons to oppose the Arc Mining:
1. Will Destroy 111,000 square kilometers of virgin forest south of the Orinoco. These forests generate clouds and rain in the whole area of the plains of Venezuela through transpiration and retains moisture-laden winds.
2. Without forests rainfall in the state llaneros alter and diminish crops and livestock.
It will further enhance drought, food production in the country will be affected; so it will increase the shortage of food prices to skyrocket we will have to import more and more difficult to get.
3. It will be contaminated with mercury, cyanide and other highly dangerous chemicals all rivers falling into the Rio Orinoco, the waters were poisoned, die all aquatic species, thus there will be less fish to eat so it will become more expensive and difficult to get.
4. In the Venezuelan jungles live thousands of species of animals and plants, still unidentified in which it could be the cure for serious diseases; if we destroy these forests lose the possibility of using these species with medical and / or scientific purposes.
Recall that a Venezuelan Dr. Jacinto Convit discovered the leprosy vaccine using the cachicamos for research and production.
5. Indigenous communities will have to leave their ancestral lands are invaded their space by mining camps, camps prostitution and drug traffickers, paramilitaries and other mafias that the government has failed to control all these years and living to take the Venezuelan gold without control and with the support of the Armed Forces officials, politicians and businessmen and corrupt.
6. Next to the mining camps will always be associated with prostitution, because thousands of men live alone for years in the jungles away from their families. Proliferate camps including prostitution and drugs and adolescents are offered to the miners against their will and subjected to cruel treatment.
7. The mining camps are preferred by the narcos sites, paramilitaries, and mafias to launder money; ie money from legalizing drugs, kidnappings and crime in general, because this activity the Venezuelan state has never had control therefore increase crime and mafias be strengthened.
8. national sovereignty will lose as many capitalist enterprises will be installed and controlled these territories and we pay a fraction.
9. Wealth for other countries, poverty and pollution to Venezuela. The Arco Mining is the country's largest ecocide. Gold, diamond, copper, coltan will be exploited by capitalist transnational corporations these minerals from here will be, the money will be invested in their home countries, we leave misery in the mining camps and our destroyed forests, polluted rivers, poisoned fauna and flora.
10. increase the illness and death of indigenous: For several years been withheld indigenous complaints about children born with malformations or diseases that occur in communities, generated by mercury, cyanide and other chemicals used in mining, diverted rivers are contaminated and indigenous get their food from there, bathe in the river and wash their rivers and utensils.
If we allow the capitalist arch mining approval is sickened more and more children will be born with physical and mental defects, increase indigenous death from these causes. Some ethnic groups have few inhabitants and are endangered by dying the last representatives.
Environmental rights 11. Articles 127,128 and 129 of the Constitution as the following Venezuelans are violated:
11.1 The right of the people to be consulted and informed about projects to be implemented in our communities and effects, damages or benefits obtained.
11.2 There is no environmental impact studies that include the plan of mitigation and recovery of the generated environmental damage, therefore capitalist enterprises are not forced to pay for the damages and this will come out of the pockets of all Venezuelans.
11.3 They never consulted environmentalists and health experts on these projects, ignoring the main actors and the principles of participatory democracy, political rights therefore also unknown.
Unlike some people are paid to appear in the media stating for mining projects without being environmentalists and without being experts on the subject. All a political show.
12. This project directly affects a natural monument, part of the forest reserve and destroy proposed by environmentalists for the declaration of the world's largest National Park with 5,000,000 hectares of virgin forests territories. This park would be the Caura and the government for years has been crazy with all requests, court judgments, delivering thousands of signatures and the formal handover of the project finally called Hugo Chavez Indian National Park.
Ecologists and environmentalists of Venezuela oppose absolutely this megaecocide, to the delivery of our wealth and loss of national sovereignty against these 150 capitalists and predatory companies defend the Ecosocialism and V Historical Purpose of the Plan Law Homeland preserve life on the planet and the salvation of the human species.
José Infante
The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.