Request that the Cuban Government enact an Animal Protection Law
people signed. Let's get to 10,000!

Addressed to: Your Holiness Pope Francis
Your Holiness:
More than a month ago, a man from Manzanillo, Cuba, took a small helpless dog, put it in a wooden cage, sprinkled the box with gasoline and another person set it on fire. This evil is filmed by another individual. This was posted on Facebook where many of us witnessed the evil of mankind. Many of us who work tirelessly to save the most vulnerable in society watch with horror. Many of us could not see the full clip. Our hearts were broken. Our souls devastated by the pain that man can cause to his traveling companion of the world.
Your holiness, you who have helped the most vulnerable through your years of service, who experienced the warm welcome of the Cuban people during their visit in 2015, whom you specifically said to protect your smallest and most vulnerable members of the Society, we ask you to help us.
You took the namesake of St. Francis who loved animals deeply. That is why we ask you to intercede on behalf of all the animals of Cuba and to encourage the Cuban government to institute a law to protect these charming creatures. A petition for such a law is gaining many signatures, but his intercession will be the final catalyst for this to become reality.
With all the good wishes to your sanctity, we are sincerely yours.
The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.