Repair and control of public gutters and sidewalks

Repair and control of public gutters and sidewalks

people signed. Let's get to 1,000!

Repair and control of public gutters and sidewalks

Addressed to: Mayor of Corrientes

In many places of the city, as for example in the houses of the neighborhood known as Ex Aero Club, the drains installed in front of the houses are broken and without the corresponding tiles although the neighbors repeatedly replenish them. The sidewalks are broken, forming important subsidence of soil, which shows that there was not at the time an adequate study and treatment of the soil causing important cracks.

All this implies a constant danger for the people who walk there, especially the elderly and disabled. So I ask for urgent attention to the problem, but be taken seriously, since the same municipal staff that comes to clean the gutters, for example, remove the tiles and then leaves without placing or broken.


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Reasons for signing

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