Renew Law 14,346 in Argentina, stop animal abuse

Renew Law 14,346 in Argentina, stop animal abuse

people signed. Let's get to 10,000!

Renew Law 14,346 in Argentina, stop animal abuse

Addressed to: President of Argentina Mauricio Macri and 8 more

I ask that the Law that protects animals (14,346) be renewed and that penalties be strengthened! Please, every day a new animal that torture, mistreat, sexually abuse and kill!

These "people" who mistreat and torture can not walk the streets freely, as usual! The psychopathic people start with an animal and continue with humans! We can not live with these "people".

That the people who mistreat animals do not have animals again and that they pay their crime with jail!

The image of this petition is from a puppy that was sexually violated since childhood, for 5 consecutive years, creating psychological traumas and damage to his genitals... This case and many more around the world! That these cases do not go unpunished! (This was in Spain).

I do not want the animals of my country or of the whole world to suffer! but I ask for my country Argentina !!!!

For a new Law 14,346 in Argentina! Enough of animal abuse!


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Reasons for signing

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