Remove the horses of the chariots and taken to some shelter!
people signed. Let's get to 5,000!

Addressed to: Government of the City of Buenos Aires
Because in the city is prohibited the traction to blood, although the law is not respected. Because they are to the ray of the sun, supporting the weight of the car and soon that of the people who pay to cross the city in them.
The animals spend hours and hours standing in front of the Zoo, another place where animals are mistreated, in the sun, passing heat, on the hot asphalt, suffering the constant noise of the traffic in that area that is very large, which puts at risk the animal and the people that circulate in that area, since they are known of many cases of horses that are scared and hit cars, or even people.
The poor suffer the unspeakable, so we say that it is time for that torture to end!
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