Relocate and rescue refugee raccoons at Miramar Pier
people signed. Let's get to 10,000!

Addressed to: Government of the Mexican Republic and 3 more
More than two decades ago near Miramar beach, Tampico Tamaulipas, there were wooded areas, with leafy trees and enough vegetation. Suddenly the government considered the need to create shops and crafts near the pier, obviously to generate income and began logging and aggression towards the multiple raccoons that lived there, it was their home for years. Without any consideration they were thrown out and not only that, they placed blankets on the avenues and main fences alerting the neighbors to move them away and not give them any kind of food; desperate animals sought refuge and burrows and found only in the hollows of the dock rocks, offshore. When the tide rises they jump desperately and yet, nobody has done anything for them. When it happens with humans they relocate them, why not them? Why don't they talk? They still feel and suffer.
It is time to speak for them and be their voice. It is urgent to rescue those raccoons from Miramar dock and relocate them. They need you ... many have young ... join and help them please.
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