Put canine patrols and train personnel to give lectures and educate people against animal abuse
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Addressed to: Presidency of the Republic of Colombia and 1 more
Because it is important because of the few laws that have been implemented in recent times to defend living beings. We have forgotten that they are part of our planet and that they also feel pain.
Years ago they enslaved us for having different skin color, or for having been born in a family with few economic resources, they trampled us and simply for them we were slaves, they beat us. And if I speak in general is because if you or I had been born in those times, we would also have been in that place, where they sold us no matter what we thought, without having rights or someone to watch over us.
Just as we feel that pain, they are also going through that time in which we do not care to harm them or cause their extinction, or simply see them as circus clowns treating them like factory objects or in some cases exploiting them for benefits for people, for religions. In the time before we would have been born to be enslaved because it was God’s command, let’s not commit the same grave error.
I know perfectly well that you understands what I want to say, if you does not like creatures then step aside, but we does not justify hurting them. Please educate your children to respect animals, do not be a slave to hypocritical thoughts. That’s why what I ask is that the Government put up dog patrols and train personnel to give lectures and educate people against mistreatment, we must not allow animal suffering anymore, it’s our decision.
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