Put an end to the China Dog Meat Festival
people signed. Let's get to 5,000!
Addressed to: President of China Xi Jinping and 2 more
I see that animals suffer because of many bad people. Today I saw this terrible news, 300 puppies are going to be sacrificed to eat them due to the stupid and ignorant superstitions that the Chinese have with animals.
Chinese and people from other countries who do the same have to stop killing innocent lives to eat and have fun, animals were created in the same way as people and deserve the same respect and right to life.
The news also said that they were stolen from their homes for this purpose, dogs can not have peace even in the place where they live with the people who care for and protect them.
All we demand is respect for animals, which is what does not exist in China, but this should not be allowed. We want the Government of China to ban once and for all this festival of dog meat and the consumption of dogs throughout the country. Stop murdering innocent people.
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