Punishment of the murderer of a cat beaten to death
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Addressed to: denuncias@fiscalias.gob.ar and 3 more
This woman beat her own cat to death for killing a canary. According to eyewitness neighbors, she savagely beat her cat, breaking its paws and while still alive, put it in a bag that she left in the street trash can. Faced with the desperate cries of the animal, a neighbor called an animal protectionist, who in turn contacted a veterinary doctor to assist the injured animal. The neighbor also called the police, who were present at the criminal's home and when all were present, she left her house enraged and took the bag with the dying kitten again and began to brutally hit him on the floor, destroying his skull, in front of all his neighbors and the same police, who did not intervene in the macabre act. When seen by everyone, this human beast defiantly shouted that "it was her cat and she did what she wanted with it." In the face of such aberrant act of extreme cruelty towards a defenseless animal, the neighboring witness and two protectionists made the complaint in a Prosecutor's Office, but the criminal's family began to threaten the neighboring witness and even destroyed her car, but they were also the grandson and daughter, to beat their entire family, threatening them with sharp weapons and even firearms.
Due to everything that has happened, it can be seen that not only the senile insane is dangerous for all of society, but also her family of criminals, who are armed and threaten the woman who denounced them by killing her, her family and also burn his house ...
She is a dangerous, despicable psychopath and believes she is unpunished before justice and society. This repulsive criminal and her also dangerous relatives, must be locked up in a Prison because nothing justifies so much cruelty and cruelty with a defenseless kitten that the only mistake she made was to do what any feline does by natural instinct, and not die in the most horrendous and cruel in the hands of its own owner who with the same hands that fed it, slaughtered it with blows, destroying its skull against the floor and throwing it like garbage in a bag on the street.
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