Punish the three women who murdered a poor kitten

Punish the three women who murdered a poor kitten

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Punish the three women who murdered a poor kitten

Addressed to: Government of Honduras

Because no one has the power to take the life of a little animal, and that kitten of only one month was viciously stepped on by his little body with the feet of these three women while crying in pain, one held him with a string around his neck and two others trampled on him to kill him and all just for fun, and on Facebook laugh at what they have done, I saw the video and I could not stop crying, the kitten do not deserve that.

A law should be issued that punishes every psychopath, minor or not, and these women, like the one who recorded, have to be punished more strongly, although they say they have already been punished, but a year in prison plus a fine is nothing for killing a defenseless living being.


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