Provide hospitals with a unit for injured spinal cord that can not move by themselves
people signed. Let's get to 1,000!

Addressed to: Ministry of Health Social Services and Equality and 1 more
For 32 years, I am quadriplegic, and also with Cushing’s syndrome and morbid obesity. I did not choose this situation.
But in every consultation of the Social Security or private, to which I go, when it is necessary to put myself on the stretcher, which I can not do alone, I remain without exploration, and without diagnosis... For not being able to put myself in the stretcher!
I am very afraid, because in my family there is a high degree of cancer deaths, and if I had any kidney, ovaries, colon, etc., I would die for lack of foresight, diagnosis, and treatment. Also in triage, by default, they usually pass me in front of all who arrive after me. They do not even watch me.
Those of us who have the misfortune to spend our lives in a wheelchair, we are not guilty.
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