Protect sea turtles, their eggs and children with effective sentences and millions in fines
people signed. Let's get to 5,000!
Addressed to: United Nations and 1 more
Discovering the true number of sea turtles in the world is very difficult because males and youngsters stay in the water almost all the time. The females only go out to the beach to lay their eggs. Therefore, it is difficult to say if there really is a decrease or an increase in the number of specific species of sea turtles.
Based on the information we have, the olive ridley turtle is the most endangered species of marine turtles in danger of extinction. The last count was 42,000 of them around the world. It is believed that the number of Kemp's ridleys is slowly increasing in recent years, which is encouraging.
There are many reasons why the population of sea turtles as a whole is in danger of extinction. Human beings have always been their worst enemy. Fishermen are a threat to sea turtles with their nets and other equipment, at the time when entangled turtles are found, most have already died. Many species of sea turtles are hunted for their meat or to obtain the oils from their bodies. Even the shells have been used for profit.
The consumption of sea turtle eggs has been considered a delicacy. It is not uncommon for a large number of the eggs laid on the ground to be taken before the offspring always have the opportunity to fully develop. When you add pollution to the water that humans have contributed to, and the fact that we continue to occupy the land they once used to lay their eggs, you can see how we have a negative impact on their survival and the reason why sea turtles are in danger of extinction.
There is scientific evidence that suggests that many turtles develop what is known as fibropapilloma tumors. These are different types of neoplasms that are formed in the body and can kill sea turtles, as they develop on the fins and make movement very difficult. They can also grow on the face and prevent vision. Many sea turtles die from these infections.
Natural disasters are also to blame when it comes to decreasing the population of sea turtles. For example, the coast of Florida was hit four times in 2004 by hurricanes. More than half of the sea turtle population was killed during these storms. When it is considered that approximately 90% of all sea turtles in the US are found in this place, it results in a great loss for the species as a whole, more when they are an endangered species.
Now, sea turtles are protected by the Endangered Species Act of 1973. Even with these Laws, many continue to be destroyed every year. The United States Government has begun to use devices that help sea turtles not to be caught with other forms of aquatic life, their use is mandatory and has been in force since 1989. However, there are still many countries where such laws do not exist.
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