Promote the sterilization of stray animals

Promote the sterilization of stray animals

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Promote the sterilization of stray animals

Addressed to: Mayor of the Municipality Plaza Guarenas - Venezuela

That the intention of this project is to promote the responsible possession of the "urban animals", thus defining the domiciliary animals that live with the people, sharing their place of residence, as pets or work animals; those who are in a street situation: who live on public roads without identified forks; and the community that are the animals in street situation, but protected and fed by the community.

That incidents with animals may occur, that being loose in public roads cause accidents of varying severity.

That it is a necessity to take preventive measures in order to avoid accidents with animals on public roads.

That the owners of animals must necessarily assume the responsibilities of care, hygiene, health and safety, of them as well as of the people with whom they live in society.

That it is necessary to implement measures for those cases in which the owners of animals do not assume their responsibilities.

That they should continue with the mass castrations of domestic animals as well as the actions and prevention campaign aimed at reducing the overpopulation of domestic and stray animals, in pursuit of the preservation of the ecological balance and the health of the population.

That it is essential to address this situation taking into account the risk it represents for public health.

That it is necessary to carry out actions to raise awareness among the population about abandonment and animal abuse, taking into account that they are living beings with the capacity to feel.

That it is necessary to raise awareness about the importance of the castration of dogs and cats in order to avoid the indiscriminate increase of animals that end up in a situation of neglect and abuse.


The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.

Reasons for signing

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