Prohibition of the breeding of dogs and cats
people signed. Let's get to 10,000!

Addressed to: Congress of the Union
We want the prohibition, also the punishment and / or the fine for those who dedicate themselves to the crossing, breeding and sale of pets (dogs and cats) or any other species, since this encourages mainly the overpopulation of these animals in all cities.
There are many veterinarians who raise, indiscriminately, different types of animal breeds, for the sole purpose of profiting from them, being that they made a promise when they were entitled to watch over the health and life of the animals. Doing this encourages overpopulation 100%, to have more animals suffering in the streets and going hungry, thirst, disease, and the mistreatment of people who far from helping them harm and / or beat them.
I think this would help a lot to avoid overpopulation, because people would adopt if they really wanted a pet and the many animals that are going to give to the street due to lack of care of the owners who one day bought them, would have more probability of adoption and they would not multiply as it happens.
I wish we could propose a Law to change this.
Thank you..... : )
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