Prohibition of cars pulled by animals! Adoption of the Tin Horse!
people signed. Let's get to 20,000!
Addressed to: Government of the State of Ceará and 9 more
The animals are not slaves! The floats subject animals like oxen, horses, donkeys and mules to untold and unnecessary suffering. The car is a means of transportation created in pre-Christian Antiquity and totally unnecessary in the contemporary era.
Today, there are already several viable and cheap alternatives to the cart. Nowadays, there are MOTORIZED vehicles and technology. We are neither in the Stone Age nor in the Middle Ages. We are in the 21st century, in the year 2018, in the era of technology and information. It makes no sense to subject animals, which are sentient beings, capable of feeling pain, joy, hunger, fear, sadness, etc., to the daily torture of carrying large loads over long distances, often in the inclement sun, for humans that stopped in the Middle Ages, when today there are alternative means to that. A viable and cheap alternative is the CAN HORSE, adopted successfully in Curitiba, in which a car driven by a low-cost motorized vehicle is used, without the presence of animals.
In this way, we request the prohibition of carts pulled by animals and the adoption of alternative measures that do NOT involve animals for the transport of people and objects, in the municipality of Fortaleza-CE, in the State of Ceará and in Brazil as a whole.
The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.