Prohibit the slaughter of wild species for Carnival!
people signed. Let's get to 10,000!
Addressed to: UNESCO and 1 more
The Carnival of Oruro - Bolivia was named intangible cultural heritage by the United Nations Educational and Cultural Organization.
Participants in this carnival groups use animal parts for their costumes.
Unfortunately many of these animals are on the endangered species list of the IUCN (International Union for Conservation) as the Andean Quirquincho (Chaetophractus nationi) (Andean Puma) concolor puma, the Pariguanas Phoenicoparrus andinus, parrots, birds of all type, mammals and reptiles.
Each year the mediocre actions they take the "competent" authorities do not stop the abuse and demand of dead animals.
We ask UNESCO to withdraw the appointment of Intangible Cultural Heritage to the Carnival of Oruro until they withdraw the use of animal parts in their costumes and the Government of Bolivia sanction the groups that use animals in their presentations at the "Carnaval". Because no party is before the natural heritage of the planet we inhabit, no party should be before life of these unique and wonderful beings! Educate people to this unnecessary killing is not repeated.
If the carnival as a party of integration and respect for all life. NO TO THE CARNIVAL OF SAVAGERY!
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