Prohibit the sale of pets in Spain

Prohibit the sale of pets in Spain

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Prohibit the sale of pets in Spain

Addressed to: Government of Spain and 1 more

Because it is not good to exploit the poor dogs to have puppies and have to force them to stay pregnant and when their little bodies can not have more puppies they kill or abandon them. All this is only done to profit from selling in puppies or veterinary shops puppies that are often sick because they do not care for or vaccinate them.

Only the Community of Madrid has banned the sale of animals in pet stores, but they can be sold by catalog. In Catalonia and Galicia it is forbidden to exhibit puppies in shop windows, but it is allowed to have them inside the stores.

We want an Animal Protection Law to definitively stop the mass breeding of dogs and cats for commercial purposes. This business of animal abuse must end now.


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Reasons for signing

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