Prohibit the sale and use of pyrotechnics

Prohibit the sale and use of pyrotechnics

people signed. Let's get to 5,000!

Prohibit the sale and use of pyrotechnics

Addressed to: Mr. President Mauricio Macri and 2 more

There are several reasons why it is so necessary to ban the sale and use of fireworks throughout the country:

1) Because many autistic children are afraid of loud noise.

2) Older people hurt their ears and make them nervous.

3) Because our pets suffer terribly, they are also living an era where it seems that humans enjoy throwing the dogs to grab and explode in your mouth.

In addition, unfortunately, every year pets are lost because of the fear they feel, and there are many accidents that cause in children and adults who manipulate them.

It would be good if all the signatories support why they want a law that prohibits the use of pyrotechnics.

Thank you.


The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.

Reasons for signing

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