Prohibit the port terminal project in Maricá

Prohibit the port terminal project in Maricá

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Prohibit the port terminal project in Maricá

Addressed to: Federal Regional Court of the 2nd Region (RJ e ES) and 2 more

The beaches of the Reserve and the Sosego are humpback whales and dolphins. In Maricá, the promoter Fabrício Bastos positioned himself against the project. For the environmentalist Luiz Lopes, president of the Association of Neighbors and Friends of Jacón (AMA), the project is a big mistake. “The port does not fit here, the environmental and social impact that it will bring is monstrous”.

In the case of Mauricio Martins, DTA, the company responsible for the work, is investigated for fraud in tenders at Codesp.


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