Prohibit the Monarchy from using wild animals as a sport
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Addressed to: Buckingham Palace and 8 more
Prince William unleashes the controversy to justify the "hunting trophies." It ensures that old and "infertile" animals can be killed, as long as the money goes to the protection of species.
Prince William has shot his own foot justifying the "hunting trophies". "If the animal is infertile and is at the end of its life, and if someone wants to pay money, and that money goes for the protection of species, it would be a justified way to conserve the species that are under threat", said the Duke of Cambridge to the ITV channel.
Interestingly, Prince William - second in line of succession to the British throne - is president of the United for Wildlife group, made up of the main international conservation organizations. In the last two years, and following in the footsteps of his father, Prince Charles, his "mission" has been to warn about the increase in the illegal traffic of animals, with special dedication to elephants and rhinoceroses.
Conservation organizations have shouted in heaven for their statements. "Today is a sad day for the protection of animals at risk of extinction", can be read in a statement from the British association Lion Aid. "With less than 15,000 wild lions in Africa, there is no place for 300 hunting trophies a year, and continuing this practice is inhuman and unsustainable."
Two years ago, Guillermo was harshly criticized for making an appeal in defense of wild animals and leaving in a few hours to the farm La Garganta, in Ciudad Real, one of the largest estates in Spain, to hunt deer and wild boar. In 2012, his hunting escapade with his brother Prince Henry also won the attention of the media.
The Duke of Cambridge also regularly practices hunting around Sandringham, where he has lived with his family since the birth of his daughter Charlotte ten months ago.
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