Prohibit the killing of wild animals

Prohibit the killing of wild animals

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Prohibit the killing of wild animals

Addressed to: President of the Chamber of Deputies and 1 more

We do not want to see our animals, being killed, for the fun of some people. We are going to fight so that this does not happen. We are going to fight against this cruelty that they are trying to do. As if the extinction of many animals of our fauna and flora is not enough, now politicians want to free the hunt, for the love of God. We must join against this Law that has not yet been voted. We are going to advance and overthrow this Law even before going to a vote.


The hunting season for wild animals, prohibited by Law No. 5,197 of January 3, 1967, can be reopened in Brazil. The release of the activity is defended by a bill of law by deputy Valdir Colatto (PMDB-SC), which has been under discussion in the Chamber of Deputies since December. The text also aims to reduce the penalty of the Environmental Crimes Law by three times. Today, anyone who violates the determination can be detained for one to three years.


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