Prohibit the commercialization of dogs and cats of breed

Prohibit the commercialization of dogs and cats of breed

people signed. Let's get to 5,000!

Prohibit the commercialization of dogs and cats of breed

Addressed to: Sr. President of Argentina Ing. Mauricio Macri

Because if the commercialization of dogs and cats is prohibited and no person buys them, there will be no more cruel breeding places demanding from the females the massive offspring, their subsequent deterioration of health and death. Always caged, subdued and mistreated.

Most of the breeding farms are illegal and there is no respect for any right of animals to live a dignified life. The females since they can be put to give birth like a machine until the body does not give them more and they die.

Many of the puppies are born with congenital diseases and are never vaccinated, being sold to people who will soon have to spend a lot of money on veterinarians and medicines to try to save them.

Everything related to pet trading is linked to animal abuse, we must stop this business that leaves a lot of money to a few people and much suffering to animals.


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Reasons for signing

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