Prohibit the circulation of bicycles on sidewalks

Prohibit the circulation of bicycles on sidewalks

people signed. Let's get to 5,000!

Prohibit the circulation of bicycles on sidewalks

Addressed to: General direction of traffic

Because they do not look if there are people, children, or animals circulating through them, which usually generates accidents. It is as if the sidewalks were to circulate them only. They use their horns for you to get away and if you tell them to go on the road they disrespect you, they insult you, etc, and if a policeman passes by at that moment and you tell him to do something over they agree with them.

It is totally unfair, the only thing I ask is the right thing, the sidewalks are for walking, not for cycling. I do not want more accidents, I do not want to be insulted for asking what is right.


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Reasons for signing

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