Prohibit plastic bags in the markets

Prohibit plastic bags in the markets

people signed. Let's get to 10,000!

Prohibit plastic bags in the markets

Addressed to: Italian Government Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Because it is illegal, therefore food transport bags must be biodegradable anywhere. For decades we have filled the planet with plastic bags that have killed millions of animals that have swallowed or suffocated them. We can not continue to pollute the planet, we need an Act so that all the bags are made of biodegradable plastic, it's time !!!!!!!

Plastic bags are not recycled, like so many other plastics, even supermarkets like Carrefour, for example, charge you biodegradable bags at the fish and fruit counter, instead of giving you ordinary plastic bags.

Let's finish with the contamination of the planet, we definitively forbid plastic bags, we only allow biodegradable ones, we have to do something today, we can not keep waiting.


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