Prohibit circuses with animals
people signed. Let's get to 10,000!

Addressed to: Mayor of Agen
Mr. Mayor, ladies and gentlemen,
The suffering of the animals continues to be unfortunately ignored by others.
This letter aims to alert the use of wild animals in circuses and to form a series of questions related to the lives of both and their use in shows.
Circus animals live most of their lives in cages (where they are transported, sleep, eat, wait between training and performances).
Circus shows contain numbers that require animal behavior that is not natural. To get there, coaches will have to repeat the same acts over and over again, with a bit of brutality if they do not perform correctly. Then back in the cage until the next workout or show.
Due to the restriction of their specific behaviors (feeding, social, etc.), the animal develops behavioral disorders, stereotypies, and evidence of chronic pain. They can go to see the animals when they are in their cages to corroborate it.
Although animals should be respected and understood to have different needs from human beings, nothing has changed, they are still caged, and used for children to see these terrible animals and laugh at their human behavior, and never We wonder if the animal is unhappy.
Remember the movie "The Elephant Man". What a life!
Imagine that for a couple of minutes you must live this life. Beautiful perspective, is not it?
Although recognized as "sentient beings" by the Treaty of Amsterdam in 1997, animals in circuses are not considered as such. It generally refers to circus animals, not to animals in circuses, as if there were circus animal breeds. Uprooted from its natural environment, the animal is only an image of itself. It is the image of the beast that is used and not of the animal as a sentient being living in an environment with its own needs.
Today, it is essential to redefine our relationship with the animal, seeing in it something other than the use that can be given, and recognizing the animal as sensitive.
Circus animals transform into consumer products. We must awaken our sensibility and act.
Finally, we bring children an unnatural and anti-harmonic education by incorporating circuses with wild animals. We become accustomed to the normality of slavery, putting in the subconscious the image of the animal in the cage and the teacher-trainer. Do not be surprised when later some children develop aggressive, even sadistic behavior with animals and humans. It is time to evolve, to become a modern and right human, who begins to positively build his relationship with nature. It's time to stop being brutal.
You, Mr. Mayor, were elected, you have missions to fulfill and one of these missions is the guide of the population.
You know there are circuses without animals: Cirque du Soleil, Cirque Baroque, Cirque Plume ... You can see that it is unnecessary to own and operate with animals to know the success. We must join the list of cities that said NO to the exploitation of animals in circuses.
Therefore, it should put this issue on the agenda of the next City Council meeting and communicate the results of its deliberations.
The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.