Prison to the person who abandons, mistreats or kills an animal

Prison to the person who abandons, mistreats or kills an animal

people signed. Let's get to 5,000!

Prison to the person who abandons, mistreats or kills an animal

Addressed to: Chamber of Deputies of the Nation and 1 more

Perhaps this way there could be not so many abandonments, mistreatment or deaths towards animals. Enough of so much cruelty, they do not deserve this, I'm tired of seeing the evil people mistreating and killing these living beings that the only thing they seek is the love of a family.

The need for tougher Laws against animal abuse leads us to complain and to ask the Government to do everything in its power to end this violence. Many people, knowing that they will not be punished for mistreating or killing an animal, do so without any problems, impunity is the enemy of animals.

All those who signed it, we ask with this petition that the Government amend the Laws against animal abuse to increase the penalties for mistreatment and murder, do not allow more impunity for these criminals and murderers.


The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.

Reasons for signing

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