Prison for the murderers of Negra!
people signed. Let's get to 20,000!

Addressed to: and 3 more
Those who killed a dog named "Black" with a kind of spear that they used to stab her several times to death.
Murdered the dog for fighting with a neighbor of them and at a time when the animal took to the street, they premeditatedly captured and locked her in a place in her house to kill her in the most cowardly and cruel way with a sharp spear , stabbing her repeatedly in her body and piercing her vital organs.
These entities are on Facebook with these names and hide behind the image of their son, claiming that they killed the dog to "defend him ..." when according to witnesses of the aberrant act of animal cruelty, the animal did not attack the child and not even he was there at that time.
All this demonstrates that these subjects not only cruelly killed the poor defenseless animal for revenge on the owners, but they did so with premeditation, evil and perversity.
This vile couple deserve to be punished and convicted as stipulated in the National Animal Abuse Law: 14,346 where they violate many of their articles and must be punished with the maximum penalty of one year in prison for such an aberrant act of cruelty and brutality to an animal that He was cornered and tortured to death by two cowards ...
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