Prison for the murderer of Benjamin!
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We request effective prison for this beast killed a street dog named "Benjamin" with a machete because the hungry puppy, broke garbage bags in the place that this guy worked as a night watchman.
This wild and atrocious event was witnessed by a couple who were riding on a motorcycle at the right time that the criminal beastly attacked the helpless dog by injuring him everywhere with a machete.
The woman who witnessed the entire aberrant act, intervened with her husband so that this subject stops torturing the animal but far from releasing and stopping, continued to hurt the dog and even dared to threaten the couple with attacking them too with the machete ...
Due to all this barbarism, the marriage went to seek the help of the police and together with a veterinarian, they denounced the aggressor, not only for animal abuse but also for serious threats from this murderer towards them.
Unfortunately the dog died within a few hours due to the severity of the injuries.
This garbage is not only free but also provokes in his two Facebook accounts, those who insult him or increase him by the abominable cowardly act he committed against the animal.
This murderer must be imprisoned and pay for what he did to Benjamin, who was a puppy that the only mistake he made was to look for food in the trash and crossed this cowardly and psycho junk.
Criminal conviction and effective prison for this criminal who violated the National Animal Abuse Law: 14,346
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