Prison and sanction for those who mistreat an animal, close to the municipal kennel
people signed. Let's get to 20,000!
Addressed to: Government of Tlajomulco De Zuñiga - Jalisco - Mexico
In all around the municipality of Tlajomulco there is a lot of animal abuse, a lot of abandonment and many abuses. I ask that the Government take measures against the inhabitants who have chained pets, caged and without food, out in the open in full sun and in the rain. A pet is a member of the family and they are for their entire life, not only while they are puppies and when they grow up they throw them out or kill them. A person capable of mistreating and killing an animal is not a good person.
Like the Government of the town of Cajititlan, when it's going to be the January festivities or the races this September, he sends the kennel to take all the dogs out of the street just to kill them, and who knows in what way they will do sometimes dogs that have an owner have been taken and when the owners go for them the next day or two days, they had already killed them. That is not fair, here in the Municipality of Tlajomulco there is a lot of corruption and instead of grabbing poor puppies to kill them in the kennel, they go out to catch both thief and drug addict that there is in the city.
I ask to close the kennel, that's what they should do, and open shelters where they receive street dogs and have them there until someone adopts them. With so much money that the government wasted municipal workers, it should be used in the poor and defenseless animals of the street, and the ill-treated who live locked up in houses.
Let us be aware that animals also have feelings they have the right to a dignified life and love. Enough of so much animal abuse. An animal also has rights, has feelings like us.
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