Prevent the legalization of hunting!
people signed. Let's get to 10,000!
Addressed to: Chamber of Deputies - Brazil
With the excuse that hunting is necessary for the control of wild boar, Bill 6.268 / 2016 authored by deputy Valdir Colatto (PMDB / SC), will open precedents for the release of hunting not only of that exotic species, But also of other native species considered "unwanted" and "harmful". We know that the "controlled" hunting of the wild boar has been responsible for the extermination of several wild specimens in the states where it is allowed, and the lack of enforcement and environmental policies encourage the practice of crime that includes the slaughter of endangered species.
In addition to the obvious and logical environmental justifications of not allowing the release of the hunt, we list here five more reasons that illustrate why this project is a great trap:
1. Public Safety: With the release of the hunt will begin to emerge the "hunters weekend", armed and allowed to shoot for fun. Who are the people that we seek to accredit to hunt? Who would control those people? In addition, it would increase the number of firearms available on the market in a society that already suffers too much from crime.
2. Conservation of Biodiversity: We are already witnessing the extermination of other species protected by Law as hounds, queens and deer that pay the price for the release of the game to the wild boar. Hunters who are familiar with the inefficiency of control use widely the trap traps that catch any species, even those that are in danger of extinction.
3. Cruelty: The "targets" of the hunters are eliminated from the most cruel forms, tortured in traps and being able to stay for days agonizing. While discussing animal welfare in various spheres, wildlife is undergoing aggression in the dark.
4. Public Health: The meat of wild animals slaughtered, as well as wild boar, will be consumed without any sanitary inspection and the tapeworm-cysticercosis complex, the main transmissible cause of mental disorders in humans, will have a new transmission aspect. The release of the hunt will open a clandestine market of the meat trade that can cause the resurgence of diseases that were previously considered under control.
5. Ethics: Lack of resources should not be an accepted excuse to try to solve simplistically, such a complex problem. Efforts should be directed so that the academic area, research centers and other related institutions can contribute to the solution of the problem of the boars.
Fauna can not afford the state's guilty price, which allowed the importation of wild boars, was inefficient in the control and omission for decades, leaving chaos to settle in the country with the lack of control of living populations free and now, places Hunting as the only form of population control.
Despite all the arguments it is necessary that society be attentive because the speech of the bill leads many people to believe that freeing the hunt solve all problems while actually creating a series of negative impacts on the environment and on the society.
(text from the instagram @veganwayoflife)
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