Prevent bicycles from circulating on sidewalks and pedestrian streets

Prevent bicycles from circulating on sidewalks and pedestrian streets

people signed. Let's get to 1,000!

Prevent bicycles from circulating on sidewalks and pedestrian streets

Addressed to: National Police of Castilla y León

Because they annoy the pedestrians and if you address to them, they answer you badly and disrespect you. A law has been issued that prohibits bicycles from circulating on the sidewalks, giving time until August 18. The problem is that neither case because the police are never there to see them, and if they have ever seen them, they have not even deigned to tell them a word even though they have practically passed by, but if a vehicle stops for a moment the Police fine the driver.

It is not logical that cars can not do anything and bicycles do what they want. Respect the Laws and let us respect them.


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Reasons for signing

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